Par Is Just a Number

Recently on my journey back into the game I came across a tip that has proven potential to lower my scores.  I really want to share this with those that…

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Game is Back, or Maybe Not

In this post Covid-19 era, much the game has come back now that we have returned to playing some of our favorite golf courses. The question is, "is it still…

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What the Science Dictates

Science says the golf courses should be open now. In fact, they never should have been closed for play.  The math behind opening golf courses right now is relatively simple. …

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The five week layoff

Well it was quite the experience at the driving range today.  It was the first time in over 5 weeks that I had an opportunity to swinging a golf club. …

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Welcome to Enjoy Golf Again!

Why in the world is a nearly 70 year old golfer writing a blog?

Enjoy Golf Again is about my experiences within the game of golf, including past, present, and  future adventures. The web site will attempt to share my experience about the game from a rather unique prospective. You see, I started playing the game of golf some years back. Forty three to be exact!

But as events in my life changed, so did my game.

There was even a span of over three decades where I did not even play the game. …. But I am back.

You will get much of my opinion about the game, when and how it started, and what it is like to go back to square one after such a long hiatus.

I hope you enjoy the adventure as much as I do.

I will be covering topics like-

  • Golf then and now 
  • Rules of Golf
  • Handicap
  • Practice methods
  • Tournaments Participation

I’m open to your thought and ideas on how to improve the site, but I will say right now in this first blog post.

The opinions expressed on the content of pages and posts that I write are mine and mine alone.  Comments are moderated, primarily for legal and security purposes.

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